Building User Friendly Admin Dashboards

Date: Friday, July 14, 2023
Time: 1:30 - 2:15 pm (CDT) (UTC-05:00)
Location: Room 1

Who is this session for?

UX researchers, people who run large multisite networks, anyone trying to provide a customized experience for WP users on their campus

Session description

WordPress comes with a set of information dense, largely uninspiring administrative dashboards for logged in users. Fortunately, WordPress is open source and extensible! At Pressbooks, we’ve designed and built several new dashboards to improve the new user onboarding experience for our WordPress-based book publishing platform. In this brief presentation we’ll describe the user research, design process, and practical development steps we took to build a new user dashboard, book (site) dashboard, and network manager (multi site super admin) dashboard and the impact these have had (or are having) on overall user experience.

Key takeaways:

Attendees will learn how to

* conduct basic user experience research

* collaborate on iterative design processes using cloud-based prototyping and design software

* how to write compelling user stories and ensure that what you’ve built actually addresses real problems real people are having

* build custom administration dashboards for different users/scenarios the ‘WordPress way’


Steel Wagstaff

Headshot of Steel Wagstaff
Product Manager, Pressbooks

Steel Wagstaff (he/him) is the product manager for Pressbooks, a Canadian company making open source book publishing software. Before joining Pressbooks in 2018, he spent most of his adulthood teaching in and supporting others who teach in public universities. He earned a Ph.D. in English Literary and a MLIS from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Steel lives in Eugene, Oregon with his wife, Laurel Bastian, and their elementary-school aged son.


  • Session: Building User Friendly Admin Dashboards

Michelle Weremczuk

Headshot of Michelle Weremczuk
UX/UI Designer, Pressbooks

Michelle is a UX/UI designer at Pressbooks, a small Canadian company which makes an open source (WordPress-based) book publishing platform. Before joining Pressbooks, she worked as an exhibit designer at the Royal Alberta Museum and an instructor in the Design program at MacEwan University in Edmonton, Canada.


  • Session: Building User Friendly Admin Dashboards

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