Who is this session for?
Folks considering WordPress for enterprise on a budget
Session description
Excelsior is an online University with 15,000+ students, 600+ faculty, and 500+ staff. we started using WordPress ten years ago - and now use it to power our public website; award-winning Online Writing Lab; marketing microsites; the portals for students, faculty, and advisors; our institutional staff intranet; and a content hub for interactive learning activities used in courses. We accomplish this with a 2-person development team and an annual budget of $2,500 (another team deals with hosting and its cost). This is our story.
I'll cover topics touching on institutional change management, governance, security, risk mitigation, cross-functional team collaboration, and pitfalls and opportunities with homegrown enterprise WordPress.
Mark Oppenneer

I am the Director of Web Systems at Excelsior University, a non-profit institution of higher education serving adult learners. A suitable epitaph (or Linkedin intro) would be: “He was a solver of vexing systemic problems, translator of confusing technical issues, builder of successful cross-functional teams, innovator of enterprise open source solutions, and reducer of big budgets.”
- Session: I’d buy that for a dollar! Building enterprise WordPress on a shoestring budget
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